
postheadericon ProSeries PSAFRS Adjustable Height Folding Roller Stand

Best Cheap ProSeries PSAFRS Adjustable Height Folding Roller Stand Web Store

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ProSeries PSAFRS Adjustable Height Folding Roller Stand Features

  • Feeds Materials to Table Saws, Miter Saws and Variable Height Machines
  • Folds Flat for Easy Storage
  • For Bench Top and Free Standing Machines
  • Adjustable Height Range 27" to 42" High
  • Maximum Holding Weight 200 Pounds and a 12"x2" Roller Head

ProSeries PSAFRS Adjustable Height Folding Roller Stand Overview

Buffalo Tools PSAFRS Features: -Roller stand. -Material: Steel. -Maximum holding weight. -Easy grip lever adjusts height from 27-42" high. Specifications: -Weight capacity: 200 lbs. -Roller head dimensions: 2" W x 12" D. -Dimensions: 8.5" H x 4" W x 26" D.

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