
postheadericon Skil 3400-20 10-Inch Digital Table Saw With Stand

Buy Skil 3400-20 10-Inch Digital Table Saw With Stand Web Store

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Skil 3400-20 10-Inch Digital Table Saw With Stand Specification

  • Digital LCD rip fence - digital display provides fast and accurate readings up to 1/32-Inch
  • Rear outfeed support - supports long pieces of large sheets for ripping and side extension-provides additional ripping capacity
  • Heavy duty portable folding stand - durable, pro-grade steel stand, sets up fast, folds down compact
  • 3-Hp max motor-cuts treated lumber and hardwoods easily
  • 10-Inch 28T carbide tip blade - for long life and fast, clean ripping and cross cutting

Skil 3400-20 10-Inch Digital Table Saw With Stand Overview

Lightweight, 50 lb, with T-slot channel that secures miter gauge for wide crosscuts, integrated carrying handles for easy transport and rip fence magnifying lens for accurate measurements. Die-cast miter gauge for accurate angle and crosscutting. Specs; 5000 RPM, 120V, 3 HP., and direct drive. Includes: Stand, digital LCD, self-aligning rip fence, miter gauge, wrenches, 10" 28T carbide tipped blade, and blade guard.

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