
postheadericon QEP 60020 24-Inch Dual Speed Tile Saw with Water Pump and Folding Stand

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Best Buy QEP 60020 24-Inch Dual Speed Tile Saw with Water Pump and Folding Stand Sale

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QEP 60020 24-Inch Dual Speed Tile Saw with Water Pump and Folding Stand Specification

  • Powerful 2 HP motor cuts through all types of tile quickly and easily.
  • Rip Cuts tile up to 24" x 24" square and diagonally cuts tile up to 14" x 14"
  • Accessories include: Convenient folding stand, 10" continuous rim wet diamond blade, high volume water pump, miter block, rip guide and wrenches
  • Allows user to manually change RPM's to accomodate different blades for use with a wide variety of materials.
  • High volume water pump and dual spray system

QEP 60020 24-Inch Dual Speed Tile Saw with Water Pump and Folding Stand Overview

This dual-speed tile saw features an enclosed dual-spray water system for evenly distributed water flow. Great for cutting all kinds of tile, including marble, granite, porcelain and other masonry products. HP: 2, Speed - No Load (RPM): 1750/2450, Cutting Thickness (in.): 3 1/4, Blade Diameter (in.): 10 [else][endif] [if
  • Powerful 2 HP motor cuts through all types of tile quickly and easily.
  • Rip Cuts tile up to 24" x 24" square and diagonally cuts tile up to 14" x 14"
  • Accessories include: Convenient folding stand, 10" continuous rim wet diamond blade, high volume water pump, miter block, rip guide and wrenches
  • Allows user to manually change RPM's to accomodate different blades for use with a wide variety of materials.
  • High volume water pump and dual spray system

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